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What's an angel without its wings?

Hael was an angel that was cast out of Heaven by Metatron's spell. Since her fall and because of the loss of her wings, she no longer considered herself an angel. She made contact with Castiel, who was attempting to establish communication with the Winchesters.


According to her, she built the Grand Canyon when she was last on Earth. With Castiel's encouragement, she decided to see the Grand Canyon while being locked out of Heaven.

Season 9[]

Castiel killed Hael

Castiel killed Hael

When Castiel had to change his plans to aid Dean, she attacked Castiel and brought him with her. She forced him to help her, as she believed that it was Castiel's fault. Additionally, she wanted to possess Jimmy Novak to use as her own vessel, because the girl she was possessing at the moment was starting to deteriorate. She argued that since Castiel was responsible, he was obligated to help her any way he could. As Castiel tried to escape by securing himself with a seatbelt and causing the car to crash, Hael's vessel was thrown out of the car, effectively breaking and disfiguring the vessel. Hael threatened to reveal Castiel to the other angels if he left her, forcing Castiel to stab her with her own angel blade.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]

Hael was a regular low-level angel.

  • Angelic Possession - Like all other angels, Hael required a vessel to walk the Earth and needed their permission.
    • Angelic Vessel Possession - She wanted to possess Castiel's vessel at the same time he was inhabiting it.
  • Immortality - Hael was thousands of years old when she died, old enough to have created the Grand Canyon.
  • Terrakinesis/Geokinesis - Hael was able to carve the Grand Canyon out with her powers thousands of years ago.
  • Telepathy - Hael could hear "angel radio" and broadcast on it, something she threatened to do if Castiel didn't say "Yes."
  • Teleportation (Formerly) - Before losing her wings in the fall, she teleported to Earth and built the Grand Canyon, and teleported back to Heaven.


  • Metatron's Spell - This spell cast out Hael from Heaven.
  • Angel Blade - An angel blade could kill Hael.
  • Weak Vessels - Without a strong vessel, Hael was unable to manifest her full power and would've eventually been rendered bodiless.



  • The name of her vessel was later revealed to be Gloria Lewellen Jacobson, a 19-year-old girl.
  • Her name means "The God" in Hebrew and in Jewish sources.
    • The name Hael also means "Angel of Kindness." Hael is said to inspire art, beauty and kindness in mankind.
  • According to the Grimorium Verum, a demonology text, Hael is listed as the first demon in ranking serving below the demon Nebiros.
  • The name "Hael" in hebrew means "The God".

See also[]


  1. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here