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Fallen Idols is the 5th episode of Season 5. It aired on October 8th, 2009. <place lat="40.805" lon="-81.375833" width="300" height="200" zoom="6"/>


Citizens of a small town are being killed by dead icons, such as Abraham Lincoln, and by infamous objects, like James Dean's car. Later, two teens claim a friend was kidnapped by Paris Hilton.


The show opens in Cal Hopkin's garage where Cal Hopkin brings his neighbor Jim Grossman to show him something. Cal tells Jim that he found James Dean's car, Little Bastard, and pulls off the tarp. Jim is surprised and get excited to be near the real thing. Jim leaves to get his video camera, and leaves Cal sitting in the car. Then Cal notices a temperature drop and the radio starts up on its own. Outside the garage, Jim who now has his camera, hears the car start up, and then hears a car crashing noise and goes to investigate. With his camera still on, he calls out for Cal, and as he nears, Jim sees Cal's head cut halfway open on the windshield as if he'd been in a head-on crash.

The scene shifts to the Impala where Sam and Dean are driving through the night. Dean tells Sam about Cal's death. Sam although wants to move onto a bigger issue, like how Michael and Lucifer want them to be their vessels. Dean insists on the case, and tells Sam that this is their first case back together. He also mentions that they need to re-train themselves. So a nice easy case, "training wheels" will do. Dean concludes he wants this to be a fresh start, for the both of them.

Sam and Dean talk to Sherriff

Now morning, in Canton, Ohio, Sam and Dean are at the police station, talking to Sheriff Rick Carnegie. They attempt to speak to Jim, but the sheriff tells Sam and Dean they have already booked Jim for the murders. Dean points out that what happened is impossible due to it happened in the car garage and the car would had to be going a good speed to do what it did to Cal. Dean continues to insist on speaking to Jim. The sheriff gives in and they speak to Jim. Jim tells them what happened and that Cal had brought James Dean's car, Little Bastard. Dean is surprised and escatic to hear this, and insists on checking it out.

Now at a garage, Dean looks at the car in amazement. Sam doesn't understand whats so special about the car. Dean tells that the car used to be owned by James Dean, who died in the very car. Dean continues on by saying that the car is cursed and has killed everyone who has ever owned it., and it had vanished around the 1970s. But there is only one way to prove that the car was really James Dean's, and its to check the engine number, which is under the car. So they prop the car up, and Dean hesitantly gets under it and checks the number. Once he gets the number Dean gets out fast as he can and gives it to Sam to research the previous owners, and leaves.

So while Sam looks into the car's past, Dean hits a bar, and pretends to be a talent agent to hit on the waitress there. Sam calls Dean up, and tells him that James Dean never owned the car. The car was a fake.

It is night time now, and Professor William Hill is working late, when his maid, Consuela Alvarez, stops by his stop, and tells him good night before she leaves. As he is working, the temperature drops in his office, and William looks around to see what the problem is. When he turns around, he comes face to face with Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln grabs him by the throat, and pushes William against wall, which is soon followed by an explosion of blood as his head bursts open.

Sam speaks spanish

Sam speaks to Consuela

The next morning, Sam and Dean visit the scene where Sheriff Carnegie is on the scene. He tells the brothers that he believes the professor was killed by a gunshot. Dean points out that there is no bullet or powder residue on William's body. The sheriff suggests it could be special soldiers like in Tom Clancy. Sam and Dean find out there was a witness, but she is making no sense at all. So the boys head outside, to where Consuela is speaking to an officer in Spanish. Thanks to Sam taking a Spanish class in high school, he is able to communicate with her. Sam asks for a description, and Consuela tells Sam it was a tall man wearing an old style tall hat. Dean mentions Abraham Lincoln, and Consuela says it was Abraham Lincoln who killed the professor. This makes Sam and Dean confused.

Back at the motel, Sam and Dean look over the evidence they have gathered. While looking over Jim's video, Dean notices James Dean's reflection in the windshield of the car. Sam finds that William was a Civil War nut. so Dean comes to the conclusion that two famous ghosts are killing their greatest fans. Although Sam and Dean can't figure out why these ghosts are here, until they find a wax museum in town.

In the wax museum, Sam and Dean discover exhibits of Lincoln and James Dean, as well as Gandhi. Dean pokes fun at Gandhi, and Sam tells Dean that Gandhi was a great man. Then the owner of the museum comes, and apologies for the wait. Dean asks the man if Cal and William were regular visitors, which the man confirms. He also points out that they have items from the actual people. Like Lincoln mannequin is wearing Lincoln's actual hat, James Dean's key chain, Gandhi's bifocal lenses, and FDR's iron lung. He also mentions that he is wearing Fonzie's jacket.

Later in the evening, Sam returns to the motel room to find Dean on the phone with Bobby discussing the case without Sam, and even comments about Sam's mistake. So Sam slams the door to let Dean know he is back in the room and they head for the museum.

Gandi attacks Sam

Sam attacked by Gandhi

In the museum, they begin to gather the items and put them into a trash bin to be burned. So Sam and Dean split up. As Sam is collecting the items, he looks at the Lincoln statue, and then the doors close suddenly, followed by the temperature dropping. Sam has his shotgun ready for a ghost to come, but his gun gets knocked away and he turns around only to see Gandhi right behind him. Gandhi jumps on Sam and begins to strangle him. Sam tries to get him off, but has no luck and calls for Dean. Just as Sam is about to pass out from lack of oxygen, Dean arrives and burns the glasses. Gandhi disappears like any other ghost. Dean checks if Sam is alright.

Next day, Dean is packing up and getting ready to leave, but Sam thinks the case isn't over. He also points out that it felt like Gandhi was trying to bite him. Dean refuses to believe this and tells Sam to pack. Sam tells Dean no and hes going to stay behind. Sam tells Dean he thought this was a fresh start and asks when he will be off double secret probation. Dean answers when he says so, To further argue Dean, Sam points out that they need to work as a team, and they need to trust each other. Dean asks if they should go back to the way they were. Sam answers that they way they were didn't work. Sam mentions that part of the reason he went with Ruby was to get away from Dean; so he could feel strong on his own. Sam finishes by telling Dean he needs to let him grow up. Dean is about to answer, but is interrupted by a phone call.

They head to the sheriff's office, and this time, Carnegie has no theories about it. He tells them two girls reported the abduction of their friend. So Sam and Dean head into the room to talk to the girls. They begin to tell their story, and reveal that it was Paris Hilton who took their friend. This stuns Sam and Dean. Since Paris Hilton isn't dead, Sam and Dean realize that they aren't dealing with ghosts at all.

Seeds of Leshi

Seeds of Leshi

So Sam heads to the morgue, and does autopsies on the victims. He finds that each victim had seeds in their stomachs and lost a large amount of blood before they died. He exits the morgue and shows Dean what he found. They head back to the motel where Sam researches it, finding that the seeds are from a forest in the Balkans that was protected by Leshi. Leshi is a god who can take many forms in order to kill and feed on its worshipers. Sam finds that the forest itself was cut down 30 years ago and that Leshi's weakness is to cut off its head with an iron axe.

So Sam and Dean head back to the museum and begin to look for Leshi. They split up to look around, and Sam notices an area closed off for renovations. Sam calls Dean over, and they head inside. Inside, they find the missing girl tied to a tree and unconscious. Then suddenly, Paris Hilton appears and punches Dean down. She then tosses Sam aside, knocking him unconscious. Dean, still on the ground, looks up and sees Paris Hilton about to step on him with her Christian Louboutin heels. Dean is then knocked out.

In the closed off room and disguised as Paris Hilton, Leshi begins to sharpen her nails using a rusty knife. Sam and Dean, still unconscious, are each tied to a tree. Dean is first to come to and sees Leshi sharpening her nails. Sam wakes up a minute after Dean. Leshi explains to them that she is preparing to do the complete ritual. Leshi continues on about how people used to worship it and it was forced to travel around the world. Then Leshi mentions how someone started the Apocalypse and realizes it could "pig out". Leshi mentions how, when it found the wax museum, it would transform into famous people and feed on their fans. Dean says that he doesn't like Paris and how he hasn't even seen House of Wax. Leshi tells Dean she knows who his hero is: John Winchester. As Leshi reaches for the axe, Dean breaks free and attacks her. Dean is overpowered by her and thrown to the ground. Sam breaks free from his ropes and runs for the axe. He grabs the axe and decapitates Leshi. Sam teases Dean about being wailed on by Paris Hilton.

Dean lets Sam drive

Dean lets Sam drive

Sam and Dean leave their motel the following morning. Dean tells Sam about the call he got from the Sheriff. The Sheriff told Dean that the abducted girl will be fine and that he put out an APB on Paris Hilton. As they pack the car, Dean tells Sam that he was right about him treating Sam like his little brother and that he also helped bring on the Apocalypse by breaking the first seal. Sam tells Dean there isn't much they can do about being the vessels, but they need to stop arguing and work together to fight back. Dean agrees and pulls out the keys to the Impala. Dean looks down at the keys and offers them to Sam, asking if he wants to drive. Sam takes the keys and drives the Impala out.

Major Characters

Featured Supernatural Being

Featured Music

  • "Superstition" by Jeff Beck
  • "Sixteen" by Lucero


  • Sam and Dean are hunting together again, since they separated in Good God, Y'all.


  • Antagonists: Leshi
  • Castiel does not appear in this episode, even though he is a main character in the fifth season.
  • This episode is a shout out to Jared Padalecki who played in 2005 horror movie "House of Wax", alongside Paris Hilton, who also appears in this episode. Dean mentions he hasn't seen "House of Wax".
  • When Sam asks Dean "When are you going to take me off of Double Secret Probation?", it is a reference to the cult classic movie Animal House.
  • Whilst they were investigating Cal's death by taking a look at the "Little Bastard", Sam suggests that that car was as cursed as "Christine". "Christine" is a red Plymouth Fury 1958 which is the main antagonist on Stephen King's famous novel Christine, being a demonic-possessed car which kills everyone getting in its way. This is the third time Stephen King was referenced in Supernatural: the other ones were at the episodes Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, when Dean makes reference to the movie Pet Sematary whilst arguing against Angela Mason's father, inspired on the hononymous Stephen King's book, and in Monster Movie, when, after know that the Shapeshifter had turned itself into Conde Dracula, the Werewolf and the Mummy, Dean suggests the next monster movie would be The Creature of the Black Lagoon, making an indirect reference to Stephen King's novel IT, when a devilish entity, possessing shapeshifting skills, turned itself into all these aforementioned monsters to chase after and/or kill children.


  • Carnegie - It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal.
    Dean - Wait, what?
    Carnegie - Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles.
    Sam - They were best friends.
    Carnegie - Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim.
    Dean - And how, exactly did Jim slam Cal into a windshield with all the force of an 80-mile-per-hour crash?
    Carnegie - ...Drugs, maybe?
  • Sam - [wrestles with Gandhi's "ghost"] Dean!
    Dean - Is that Gandhi?
    Sam - Yeah!
    Dean - Dude, he's squirrely.
  • Sam - Also, I feel like [Gandhi] was trying to take a bite out of me.
    Dean - A bite?
    Sam - Yeah, like he was hungry. But the thing is, Gandhi—or, the real Gandhi—he was a...
    Dean - A what?
    [Sam founders reluctantly]
    Dean - Spit it out.
    Sam - ...He was fruitarian.
    Dean - [laughs] Let me get this straight: Your ultimate hero was not only a short man in diapers, but he was also a "fruitarian"?
  • Dean - Excuse us, girls. Hi, we're with the FBI.
    Sam - Can you tell us what happened?
    Girl #2 - It was horrible!
    Girl #1 - Way horrible!
    Sam - What was horrible?
    Girl #2 - I thought she'd be nice.
    Girl #1 - I still can't believe it.
    Dean - B-believe what?
    Girl #1 - She took Danielle!
    Dean - Who?
    [girls exchange worried glance]
    Sam - It's okay, you're safe—just tell us. Who took your friend?
    Girl #1 - It was...Paris Hilton.
    Sam - ...Sorry?
    Girl #1 - She looked really good, though.
    Girl #2 - Skinny.
    Girl #1 - Skinny and fast.
    Dean - Wai— Wha—? Huh?
  • Dean - Not a word.
    Sam - Dude, you just got whaled on by Paris Hilton.
    Dean - ...Shut up.
  • Dean - [gets off phone with] Sheriff Carnegie. Danielle's gonna be all right. She's sworn off "The Simple Life", but, other than that...
    Sam - I'm glad she's okay.
    Dean - It gets better: Sheriff's puttin' out an APB on Paris Hilton. Heh, heh—that oughta be good.

External links
